Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Module Ten Photo Assignment


  • Practice taking photographs of moving subjects (people, animals, cars, etc.) using the information from the unit to help you. Submit three of your favorite photographs.

  • Practice taking photographs of individuals playing sports (running, soccer, skiing, etc.). If you can, try photographing several sports. Submit three of your favorite photographs from your practice.

  • Practice panning in photographs with a moving subject using the information from the unit. Submit three photographs from your practice. (Note: your moving subject may not be perfectly in focus. The important thing is to practice the technique.)

  • Photograph some animals, either pets or wildlife. Submit three of your favorite photographs of animals.

  • Practice documentary photography. You might photograph a party, street scene, event, etc. Submit three of your favorite photographs.

Module Five Assignment


  • Choose one scene or object to photograph. Take at least three photographs of this scene at three different times of day. Be sure to note the times of day that you choose. Write a brief response about how the light changed in the photograph.

The first one was taken at sunset, the second at noon, and the third in the afternoon. Between noon and afternoon the light did not change much, but the light changed drastically between sunset and noon.
  • Take photographs of someone using frontlighting, backlighting, and sidelighting. You can use the sun or other lighting. Submit at least three photos.

  • Practice taking photographs on a cloudy or rainy day. Turn in three of your favorites from that practice.

  • Take some portrait photographs using a reflector. (Remember that white paper, poster board, sheets, or a wall can all act a reflector.) Practice moving the subject in different positions relative to the reflector. Turn in three of your favorite photographs.

  • Practice taking photographs in different lighting conditions (indoors and outdoors, different times of day, different weather, and so on) to help you better understand the impact of light on your photographs. Turn in three of your favorite photographs from your practice sessions.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Module Six Photo Assignment


  1. Practice taking some photographs for conversion to black and white. When you’ve finished, use photo editing software to convert the images from color to black and white. Submit three of your favorite images.

  2. Choose three different scenes or objects to photograph. When you’ve finished, save each color image and create a copy that you will convert to black and white. Submit the three sets of photographs (one color and one black and white) of each scene. Indicate which photograph of the pair (color or black and white) that you prefer.

    I think from the first pair my favorite was the color photo, from the second pair my favorite was the black and white, and my favorite from the third pair was the black and white as well.
  3. Take at least five photographs and use photo editing software to apply at least one different filter to each photograph. Submit the five photographs that you’ve applied a filter to.

  4. Take at least ten photographs as you would if you were creating a panoramic shot. If you have editing software that will stitch the images together, you can try it with the photographs that you’ve taken. Submit all of the photographs that you took for the project, showing the tips discussed in the unit.

  5. Practice using a tripod or other stable foundation (rock, table, etc.) to take photographs from. Turn in three photographs that you took using the tripod or stable foundation.