Friday, April 26, 2013

Module 12 Photo Assignment

Module Twelve: Photography Assignments

Please complete the following exercises. Submit the work as a file attachment. The Photography Assignment exercise is worth 15 points.
  1. Create your own model release form that you could have individuals sign when they are recognizable in a photograph. Some examples can be found at the following sites:
  2. Take one photograph in a public space and take another photograph in a private space (be sure to obtain permission).

Private space

Public space

  1. Find a location to photograph. Submit three photographs: one that is for personal use, one that could be used for editorial purposes, and one that would be acceptable for commercial use.




  1. Use the model release form you created and obtain permission from three different individuals to take their photographs. Submit three photographs with these individuals present in the photograph in a recognizable way. Include copies of the three signed releases.

  1. Minors (those under the age of consent) require that a parent or guardian sign their model release. Create a model release specifically for minors and obtain permission to photograph one minor. Submit a photograph of the minor with the signed release form. An example of a minor release form can be found here:

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